About Us

 Auctions are a real good way to clean house and make some money. Many people have an attic, garage, storage, a closet, a spare room, and even from under the stairs avast collection of junk or treasure. It is so surprising to really grasp what can sell and what can sell for alot.

Welcome to Bigfoot Auctions Inc. !

    This is where we come in and take care of everything. I will move it, clean it, organize it to alike items. I will set it up and display it so it can be observed with the least amount of moving. I will sell it in the form of an Auction.

Auctions are fun and can be lucrative. They are a lot of work. I enjoy it and I am good at it.

 While having a "Garage Sale" or "Yard Sale" , have you ever noticed when you have an asking price of say $ 5.00 , the person usually has a response of about half the price. That is because it is an a human tradition to barter . We all want to get a good deal so we barter back and forth until we meet in the middle.

Have you ever been to an Auction or seen an Auction ?

Have you ever heard the price at an auction go down after the auctioneer starts the asking bid or asking price ?

How come at an Auction the starting price goes up and at a garage sale or a yard sale the asking price goes down ?

Here are some answers that might help.

Market value as "the estimated amount for which a property should exchange between a willing buyer and a willing seller in a transaction after proper marketing where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently, and without compulsion.

During the American Civil war goods seized by armies were sold at auction by the Colenel of the division. Thus, some of today's auctioneers in the U.S. carry the unofficial title of "colonel".

The development of the internet, however, has led to a significant rise in the use of auctions as auctioneers can solicit bids via the internet from a wide range of buyers in a much wider range of commodities than was previously practical.

In 2008, the National Auctioneers Association reported that the gross revenue of the auction industry for that year was approximately $268.4 billion, with the fastest growing sectors being agricultural, machinery, and equipment auctions and residential real estate auctions.

Bigfoot Auctions Inc. is a competitive company in the Auction industry. I opened the business on January 1, 2014. We are a good household name & resource for new and used merchandise of all kind. Selling home goods and products ranging from outdoor yard and garden tools to furniture, antiques and collectables.  I have worked for a variety of different auctions. I have worked for an auto auction and an auction house. I have attended auctions for almost the same time. I bought from auctions, worked at auctions, and even like watching auctions and thought someday I will do just that.

September 2013- Graduated from the Mason City, Iowa based, in Denver, Colorado World Wide College of Auctioneering.

Became a registered member of the Colorado Auctioneer Association.

My first auction out of auction school I orchestrated one of my classmate's auction and it was great. A real experience. I knew this is what I wanted to do.

I have hosted many Live auctions on-site since graduating and many, many more on the way.